Home News July 6th Lithuanian Ambassador in Ireland Egidijus Meilūnas invites to sing the...

July 6th Lithuanian Ambassador in Ireland Egidijus Meilūnas invites to sing the Lithuanian „National Song” and the Irish Anthem!


2018 for all Lithuanians is a special year. We celebrate the centenary of the restoration of Lithuania’s state, and the Irish still continues its century of Irish statehood, which began in 1916 uprising commemoration.

We invite all Lithuanians living in Ireland to sing not only Lithuanian but also the Irish anthem on July 6th, and to honor not only Lithuania, but also Ireland! Let’s all celebrate the strength of the peoples, the will of freedom and statehood!

Lithuanian anthem

Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų
Tu didvyrių žeme,
Iš praeities Tavo sūnūs
Te stiprybę semia.

Tegul Tavo vaikai eina
Vien takais dorybės,
Tegul dirba Tavo naudai
Ir žmonių gėrybei.

Tegul saulė Lietuvoj
Tamsumas prašalina,
Ir šviesa, ir tiesa
Mūs žingsnius telydi.

Tegul meilė Lietuvos
Dega mūsų širdyse,
Vardan tos Lietuvos
Vienybė težydi!